bright! Tag

This is the bulletin board in my kitchen.  Do you know how long it's had those words on it?  Oh about 6 or 7 years I think.   Haven't found any better.Happy Valentines day!...

So I did manage to do some painting over the holidays, but it's mostly been a time of trying new things and hoping that although it might be not quite right right now -- chuckle -- it might lead to good things in the future! Right?And of course, being...

A couple of posts back I was writing about my recent habit of going back and repainting older paintings that I'd never been quite satisfied with or knew I could do better now, and I was wondering if I did that and the result was...

Oh I know, I know!  Awful picture!!!  Do you want to know why?  I was trying to take a picture of it up here in dark winter Canada and the polar bear I was steadying my camera on was shivering!  True story!!!If you sort of squint a...

I always have to stop and think: pomegranate or persimmon?I love them both.  This one is a pomegranate.  It's big and bright and fun.  Third time I've painted this one, actually.  First quite small, then bigger, and now 24"x24".  Every time I'm at my art...