Available for sale

Paintings for sale by artist Jennifer Tan

Along and then up


I’m lucky enough to have an annual summer meeting with my workmates out on a sunny deck overlooking the water at Marysville in Washington State. A good gig! Last summer I got to town a day early and was able to get right down to the beach for a swim.  A bit cool but utterly delightful.  This beach is cool because at high-isa tide it’s not very deep, but it’s at the base of a big sandy cliff, and that structure in the distance is where you climb quite a few steps to get back up to houses.  Worth every step.

16″ x 20″ acrylic

Available for purchase at Lalli Loves It Bouique
6605 Royal Avenue
West Vancouver, BC
(604)912-0150 or email lallilovesit@gmail.com