critters Tag

Whew.  Not much time for painting or keeping up lately.  This weekend though was a long weekend, with Canada Day on Monday.  we had the first full burst of summer weather.  I got up and painted Saturday and Sunday morning, first time in weeks, and...

It started a few weeks ago one day when I pulled up the driveway and was greeted and treated to an explosion of song and tweets and burbling, and with that one of my swallow family announced he was back from his winter away and he had stuff...

Although I'm no stranger to deep thoughts (everyone who knows me, you can stop rolling your eyes now), sometimes I feel like I should be moved to deep thoughts by all of the sights around me.  Metaphors and similes should be a constant stream in my head.These posts above...

On one side, real cat.  All feisty and hopped up on spring, begging to be let outside then desperate to come back in, bombing around the house, jumping up on sills and ledges.  Full of the devil.The other side.  Shadow cat.  Quieter, her job to...