beach Tag

I don't want to use the slump word or anything, especially since I've had my head down with other painting and no time for this type, but I'm stuck on this one.  Too much middle.  Much more layered than I usually do but it's all...

I know, I know, I'm always talking about the beach. But see what I find there.  Beach valentines.And the colours!  Wearing lots of green beach jewelry lately.  When I swim it wraps around my wrists and tucks itself into my suit so that I find it when...

Teensy things.  Nice to get in so small.  I love those teeny polka dot crabs, although this one has had a bad time.  The white dots are actually specks of sand.I worked on a bigger canvas, 16 x 20 I think.  Sometimes I do wish...

Yes, I got a bit of time for painting!!!  Just a few hours but more to come!!!This is on Thormanby island, looking west.  All about sun, sand, and sparkly water.Not a very big painting, just 8x8, but it felt so good.  I'm very impatient to get back to...